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Awakening the Illuminated Heart - India

Thu, Nov 07


Atih India online

Join Awakening the Illuminated heart for an inner journey of awakening, Transformation and Remembering. 4 day intensive workshop to embrace a new way of life. The heart Way!!!

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Awakening the Illuminated Heart - India
Awakening the Illuminated Heart - India

Time & Location

Nov 07, 2024, 9:30 AM GMT+5:30 – Nov 10, 2024, 6:30 PM GMT+5:30

Atih India online

About the Event

We welcome you to the Awakening the Illuminated Heart In Jaipur India

November 7th to 10th 2024

November 11th 2024, Private sessions

What the workshop includes

You will be part of a 4 day journey that will guide you through reconnecting to your true self and remembering who you truly are and why you are on this Planet at this point in time

The Course includes all studies by Drunvalo throughout his lifetime - Journey to the Sacred space of the heart - Entering the tiny space and connecting with the source of all creation - Opening the third eye - Creating from the heart a new world - Activating your Merkaba field from your sacred space.

Day 1 will include theory so that your mind can understand what the workshop is all about and the theories and feelings around the heart energy

We will run through exercises to help start moving into an aware space of heart and love vs being in fear and brain as we normally are used to in life

Then you will be introduced to Imagery, an ancient practise from Israel that can help us access the heart space in the female way (through images and how we use them)

Day 2 is a specific day dedicated to healing. In this workshop it is very important to recognise and let go of old baggages and traumas that can keep us stuck in life and do not let us move forward. This specific day of healing is to ensure you let go of any heaviness that might be in the way for your to freely journey into your heart

Day 3. Now that you finally let go of 'the old that does not serve you any longer' through the healing, on day 3 expect to finally enter the sacred space, and the tiny space f your heart. In this processes you will be given time to connect to the energy and familiarise with what that space is all about. You will be guided through exercises in there to connect to your higher self and to beloved ones in your life to communicate and get guidance

Finally on day 3 will will activate the beams of light about the pineal chakra. A powerful activation to actually help boost and decalcify the pineal gland

Day 4 will bring you to connecting the heart to the brain and you will be taught how to create consciously from the heart, where you can now start dreaming a new dream

Finally you will be guided through the activation of the Merkaba field (light body) from the tiny space of your heart

Who can attend this workshop?

Everybody who feels called to evolve and connect to life from a different space (the heart space) is very welcome. 

It does not matter what background you have, religion or upbringing

Whether you have experience or not in meditation or spirituality you are welcome to join.

The heart call is for everybody who is ready to evolve and start living a much brighter and fun life.

How to attend/register for a workshop with Irene?

There are few simple steps to take in order to join the ATIH workshop 

1 - Please do get in touch with Irene for registration

2 - Pay the fee through deposit first and then rest of price closer to the time of the workshop 

All information for preparation to the workshop will be sent to you a few weeks before attending

Venue information


in Jaipur city of Rajasthan

Times: UK times 

9 am to 6pm, lunch 1 and half hour, two 30 minutes breaks

Workshop Price: 

INR 55550

In order to secure your space we ask you to pay to the local coordinator Sameeta a deposit

of INR 14550, the rest 41000 to be paid closer to the time

aal instructions will be give via +91 9892000323

Please be aware the cost of thge workshop does not include Dinners and Accommodations (the options of accommodations can be requested to Sameeta)

Recommended readings (but not compulsory) The ancient secret of the flower of life volume 1 and 2. The Serpent of Light

Living in the Heart

For information and booking please contact:


+91 9892000323

Irene Viglia Atton


About the location of the workshop


It is a beautiful city in northwestern part of India

Jaipur is the capital of the Rajasthan state. Referred as the “Pink City” for its trademark building colour. The city is with gardens, courtyards, museums and royal palaces.  The land of majestic world with its deep-rooted rich history;  it is the land of Kings, the land of warriors. Famous for its architecture and marvellous carving on temples and rich Indian culture. We will be in this ancient land which possess ancient wisdom and knowledge.

You will feel the love for the land and at the same time the joy of just being there. 

it will bring you to  a deep sense of spirituality, enriching your soul and rejuvenating your spirit.

From Sameeta the coordinator of the workshop:

Guardians and divine beings of light specially dragons of the land gave the message to conduct this workshop in Jaipur and Invite Irene.

Away from the hush hush, noise of the big cities, to bring people to the land of ancient heritage of India, colourful and joyful, surrounded by beautiful old temples and gardens. It still stands Royal today to welcome people. 

This place allows its people to open their heart and be in the NOW.

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