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Awakening the Illuminated Heart


In July 2011 Drunvalo Melchizedek started a new phase of his work. 
This work would be based on all the studies done in his life time. 

I had the great honour to be one of the participants in Sedona Arizona, where Drunvalo decided to found the School of Remembering.

Since 2011 I am an authorized and Certified Facilitator for this wonderful practice that has been renamed Awakening the Illuminated Heart.

In this time with the School of Remembering I also had the opportunity to be a teacher and a Mentor, training future Facilitators. 
All these have been wonderful opportunities that made me grow immensely and embrace even more the Heart.

From the beginning of the School of Remembering I had the opportunity to bring 'Awakening the Illuminated heart' to different lands and different cultures (United Kingdom, Italy, Sweden, Norway, Turkey, Bahrain Middle East, Peru, Mexico).

Description of the work:


Awakening the Illuminated Heart

The journey that takes you through Awakening and Remembering: 
' Remembering who we are, remembering why we are here, and where we are going'.

This intensive workshop, which I teach during 4 days, introduces ancient and sacred techniques that bring us back in time, back to the time of Ancient Egypt and even further back to Atlantis and beyond. These practices will take you to the sacred space of the Heart, known as the center of all Creation.

In this work we bring together in awareness the heart and the brain, So THAT they can work together 
You will experience an important activation at the level of the Pineal Gland
and you will be guided to open the third eye

The key here is to familirise again how to create a NEW WORLD in Unity Consciousness form the space within the heart.

The culmination of this '4 day journey' is the activation of your Body of Light, merkaba field.

The seminar includes all studies by Drunvalo Melchizedek.

Workshop times:

4 day workshop; 
9 am to 6pm every day; 
Breaks: half an hour break in the morning and one in the afternoon; 
One and half hour lunch.

Recommended Readings (but not compulsory):

The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life Volume 1 and 2 
Living in the Heart 
The Serpent of Light 
The Mayan Ouroboros

How to register:

ATIH workshop with me


1 - Please give in touch with me to see if there are still space available for the workshop


2 - Do register with the School of Remembering through this following

 link ( ) by paying $ 14.99


3 - Make sure you enroll through The School of Remembering website for the specific workshop you wish to attend


4 - To pay the fee through deposit first and then rest of the price

For more information please contact me on:

0044(0) 7941391673

For upcoming workshops, please do consult the Calendar Workshop !

Irene and Drunvalo at one of the  Teachers Trainings

with Drunvalo Melchizedek

The power of the Heart/Living in the heart/ Creating from the Heart

Connecting the sacred space of the heart with the Pineal gland



'As I signed up for this course "Awakening of the Illuminated Heart", I noticed the pleasant feeling I got when I communicated with Irene.
I sensed a very clear, focused energy in the response I got from her, I felt a woman with great knowledge and passion for this work.


I wan´t you to understand that I feel this is maybe the most powerful and important work on the planet right now!!
There are many ways to work on yourself to better understand and open up in these powerful times.
I feel meditation and opening of the heart important and crucial in our hectic world.

It was sweet and so nice to meet Irene and I noticed the energy in the room she prepared for our group. There was a safe and clear energy around the room.

Irene guided us through 4 packed days of new information , meditations, exercises and I felt at times it was too much but Irene made it feel easy through the powerful focus and caring energy she has. Every step through the process I felt guided and held in this powerful and very balanced way she teaches.
A perfect mix of male and female qualities gives room for an easy way of absorbing, understanding and remembering.  It is a very deep and transformational work!!

I warmly recommend Irene and Drunvalos way of opening and Illuminating the Heart, going deeper and deeper into this Awakening/Remembering!!!'​

Blessings Bo-A. Olsson  "Mattis", Sweden.


​'With gratitude.

A big thank you to Irene for doing such a great job leading our Awakened Heart workshop.  The course was much more thorough than I expected.  Your obvious interest in Drunvalo’s teachings and strong understanding shined through.  I appreciated how you effectively managed the time and moved us through all of the materials and meditations.

With your loving guidance and encouragement, I experienced a profound cleansing.  The practices to move us into our hear felt authentic.  Afterwards, I have felt a greater peace and an expansion of my heart.  You are a wonderful teacher, and I am very grateful for the experience.'

Eva, Bahrain


'The ATIH workshop was for me a very deep experience, a very profound inner work in which I could feel very strongly my heart vibration so as my strong limiting beliefs and fears. I felt my vibration rising very high but also my mind necessity to analyse and control everything. Our teacher, Irene Viglia, did an excellent work by guiding us to let energy flow, to allow the process and relieve traumas, fears and control tendencies in order to vibrate in the vibration of our hearts. For me, this was the big realization during the ATIH workshop: to flow with the universe we must follow our heart own voice. We must let go all our limitations and simply trust that we all are guided and protected and everything is perfect.'​

Pedro Almaida, Scotland UK


'I loved everything about the class from Irene the students and Drunvalo's valuable teaching!

I have taken many courses around the world and i believe this one was one of the best i have taken! The information in the class was so beautiful and profound and made sense to me on so many levels it made me understand many things especially about the connection between the heart and the brain
The healing that has happened in the class was so profound that my body needed 21 days to finally settle down ! Many dramatic events happened to me (on the physical emotional and relationship level ) after the class as part of the cleansing process that was going on and part of the heart expansion..
Irene was so beautiful as a teacher very heart centered, welcoming, loving, non judgemental and willing to help each individual in the class in a tender way, she is also very psychic which helped in the progress of the class.'

May AlNajjar, Kuwait


'Not knowing Irene before I did ATIH I went purely on the material to be presented and an inner calling that I needed to attend. Even before we met, there were good vibes coming from her e-mails and it heightened my conviction to be there. Yes, the material was the essence of the workshop but it was the loving, caring and gentle way that Irene presented everything that really made the four days such an amazing experience. Evidence if needed was so evident on the final day when all the participants were reluctant to leave for their respective journeys home. Heartfelt thanks Irene for creating such a safe, heart opening and soul nurturing experience for me !'

Gill Dalton, UK



'Dear Irene

Thank you for bringing the Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop to us. It was a life changing experience.


Living in the heart has brought an inexplicable magic to my life. What is wonderful too is that after doing the workshop only then did I start to understand that each of us who start living in the heart make an important contribution to the soul of the world.
Thank you for being such a kind and loving teacher your loving spirit helped fan our heart spark into a flame. The combination of professionalism combined with patience and a need to know that every participant understood and felt the work created a feeling of safety within the group. Your very clear teaching style made the intense workshop understandable.


With love from my heart'


Chris, Middle East


'Over the years I have attended many meditation workshops most recently the ATIH course presented by Irene in London this February. I must say that this was one of the most significant of all the courses I have taken. It was also the most enjoyable. Irene is a very gifted teacher and facilitator. She is confident and assured. She answered questions fully, clearly and with understanding. Throughout the four days, she watched and monitored us individually, and as group, ensuring were OK. And on the two occasions when it was necessary, she intervened very capably healing, the situation and the person. She is an experienced Reiki practicioner. As a person, she is kind, attentive, warm and friendly with an informal and open manner. As well as being cute and charming. I have encouraged my meditating friends and relatives to attend her workshops and a few have already booked. In the same way I wholeheartedly recomnend her workshops to you. If you have the opportunity to go, you should.'


PM, London


'Irene Viglia Atton is an exceptional teacher of the workshop “Awakening the Illuminated Heart” that was created by Drunvalo Melchizedek.  Her way of teaching is authentic because she has managed to incorporate the material and make it her own. She is able to use her own words and makes sure everyone understands.  Irene is a loving and caring person and has great presence and integrity in her role as ATIH teacher. As a student I felt safe and was able to release and let go because I had complete trust that Irene would hold the space for me and for the other students. I took the workshop with her in August 2012 and was inspired to continue my studies in order to become a teacher myself. Irene have been a great support for me both before, during and after I took the workshop with her. She is my role model.'

Katarina Nordmark, Luleå, Sweden


'I attended my second ATIH workshop with Irene in October 2012 following the first with Drunvalo in Sedona, August 2012. The space that Irene created for the 4 days enabled me to continue the journey into my tiny space. The workshop flowed beautifully, lots of information and creation with a group of people that Irene brought together energetically. Even as the group developed at different rates she held the space well and assisted each person individually and collectively to reach their potential. She is a remarkable teacher and projects a warm, strong energy that empowers you to create your own space in which to live in your heart.'

Nicola Farmer, UK


'The ATIH workshop was wonderful. Irene did an exceptionally good job of holding sacred space for this very powerful work. It was life-changing for me and for all who attended. Thank you Irene!'

D. Dunn, Peru


'I first contacted Irene after learning of Drunvalo's incredible work, and specifically of the ancient knowledge and memories contained within the human heart.

From our first email, I felt and realised the unconditional love Irene lives.

It's clear to see why Irene was chosen to teach this profound and important work . She has a deep knowing, and intuition
that enables those learning from her to learn fast and wholly in every respect and direction. You can feel Irene's connection to all life.
Irene is also a young person, and her sense of fun is always near the surface. (part of the beauty of living from you're heart).

The workshop felt like family, all being guided with observant care, strength and love.
I know we all felt very lucky and blessed to be guided in such a way through the knowledge, healing and
steps necessary for entering our sacred and tiny space to dream a new world.
With all my love and gratitude.'

Max, London, UK

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